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2021-12-22 06:04:26

文章原標題:在深圳注冊外資企業(yè)分公司需要什么條件和資料? 深圳外資企業(yè)分公司登記條件1、擬任法定代表人簽署的外國分公司登記(備案)申請書;4、外國投資者法律文件送達委托書;6、投資者資格證明或者自然人身份證明;9、可行性研究報告(非工業(yè)項目)或項目申請報告(工業(yè)項目);10、公司章程(合營企業(yè)和合作企業(yè)還應簽訂合同),由多個外國合營者共同投資時,應簽訂合營協(xié)議;2、公司簽署的《指定代表或共同授權代理人證明》及指定代表或授權代理人身份證復印件(公司簽署);3、分公司營業(yè)場所使用證、自有房地產(chǎn)權屬證明復印件;4、公司出具的分公司負責人的任職文件和身份證明;、代理記賬公司費用和流程、營業(yè)執(zhí)照辦理查詢年審等財稅服務,并為大中小微企業(yè)及創(chuàng)業(yè)者提供代辦公司注冊,代理記賬報稅,營業(yè)執(zhí)照辦理等企業(yè)服務,助力中小企業(yè)發(fā)展!Branch of company of Shenzhen foreign capital registers a condition4, a power of attorney of service of file of foreign investor law;5, rent (by card of tenant property right) or opinion of construction project optional location and land contract contract;7, the investor outside churchyard (blame natural person) main body qualification test declares a watch (investor is a natural person, do not fill) ;10, company rules (jointly owned enterprise and cooperative enterprise still should sign a contract) , by jointly owned of many foreign countries person when joint investment, should sign jointly owned agreement;2, branch of Shenzhen of foreign investment company registers place to require data2, the company signs " appoint a delegate or collective accredit agent proves " reach appoint photocopy of delegate or accredit agent Id (the company is signed) ;5, refer photocopy of concerned approval file or licence;, expenses of company of acting charge to an account and flow, business charter is dealt with inquire the wealth tax such as year of careful serves, it is big in small small company and the person that do poineering work offers acting office department to register, acting charge to an account declares dutiable goods, business charter does the enterprise such as manage to serve, the medium and small businesses that help strength develops!




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