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2021-10-11 11:16:57

快遞流程:1.在網(wǎng)上申請名字,核準(zhǔn)后,法人給工商局命名。獲得企業(yè)名稱預(yù)先核準(zhǔn)申請書。順便領(lǐng)取企業(yè)設(shè)立相關(guān)的東西。企業(yè)設(shè)立表。指定委托書。3.到會計師事務(wù)所領(lǐng)取“銀行查詢函”。原件在事務(wù)所蓋章。5.驗資只要去會計事務(wù)所就行了。拿銀行給的付款書、賬單、名稱預(yù)先核準(zhǔn)申請書、房產(chǎn)證復(fù)印件、租賃合同、公司章程、企業(yè)設(shè)立表復(fù)印件、身份證復(fù)印件。拿到驗資報告。6.到工商局,提交企業(yè)設(shè)立登記表,其中需要一寸彩色照片、指定委托書、房產(chǎn)證復(fù)印件、身份證、企業(yè)設(shè)立表復(fù)印件、名稱預(yù)先核準(zhǔn)通知書、公司章程、驗資報告。然后在等著領(lǐng)取。8.組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼為:公章、法人身份證復(fù)印件、營業(yè)執(zhí)照復(fù)印件、經(jīng)營者身份證復(fù)印件。填寫的代碼申請書到質(zhì)量技術(shù)監(jiān)督局辦理組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼。9.到銀行開基本賬戶,攜帶營業(yè)執(zhí)照正副本、組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼正副本、身份證和復(fù)印件一式兩份、公章、私章、租賃合同原件、房產(chǎn)證復(fù)印件。2、有2、5輛以上檢查合格的車輛3、有符合規(guī)定條件的駕駛員。4、有與其經(jīng)營業(yè)務(wù)相適應(yīng)的資金;7、物流公司注冊時,必須明確經(jīng)營范圍,今后的業(yè)務(wù)范圍不得超出公司的經(jīng)營范圍??梢园熏F(xiàn)在應(yīng)該做的事情和今后可能做的業(yè)務(wù)寫在經(jīng)營范圍里。經(jīng)營范圍字?jǐn)?shù)不超過100個字符,包括標(biāo)點符號。8、公司登記地址必須是商用辦公室地址,并提供租賃合同、房產(chǎn)證復(fù)印件。深圳服務(wù)有限公司專注大中小型企業(yè)財稅服務(wù),提供深圳流程和費用Express company registers flow1. files a name on the net, after approve, legal person names to industrial and commercial bureau. Acquire company name beforehand approve requisition. Get an enterprise to create relevant stuff incidentally. The enterprise creates a list. Appoint a power of attorney.3. goes to accountant office to get “ bank to inquire case ” . Original is in an office affix one's seal.6. arrives industrial and commercial bureau, refer an enterprise to create registration form, need a inch of chromophotograph among them, appoint photocopy of card of a power of attorney, house property, Id, enterprise to create watch photocopy, name beforehand report of rules of approve advice note, company, check endowment. Waiting to receive business patent next.8. origanization construction code is: Photocopy of Id of official seal, legal person, business charter photocopy, operator Id photocopy. The code requisition that fill in deals with origanization construction code to quality technology supervisory bureau.9. opens basic account to the bank, carry business license code of carbon, origanization construction carbon, Id and photocopy in duplicate, photocopy of card of original of the official seal, personal seal, contract that rent, house property.2, have 2, the car with 5 above eligible examination4, have the fund that with its management business posture gets used to;5, system of sound safe production management and service quality ensure measure.7, when content sheds a company to register, must make clear scope of operations, the scope of business henceforth must not exceed the scope of operations of the company. Can keep the business that should do now and the business that do possibly henceforth in scope of operations. Number of word of scope of operations does not exceed 100 character, include punctuation mark.Shenzhen heart always believes wealth tax to serve limited company tax of wealth of dedicated big small and medium sized business serves, offer Shenzhen to register company flow and charge, expenses of company of acting charge to an account and flow, business charter is dealt with inquire the wealth tax such as year of careful serves, it is big in small small company and the person that do poineering work offers acting office department to register



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